I'm working part-time job at wedding ceremony hall. People who work together are very kind. In addition, I can feel a sense of accomplishment. However, It is too busy. Also, I feel the work doesn't suit me. Therefore, I decided to quit part-time job lately. Next Saturday, I will go to work, so I'm going to tell these things. After I can quit there, I will find new part-time job near the university. If you are possible, please tell me about recommended place to work!
Hello, Hiiro! I'm Yuri. Thank you for your hard work.
返信削除In my case, I needed courage when I quit my part-time job. After that, I have felt so much better. I hope you will find a good part-time job.
Hello, Hiiro! I think what you have experienced there will be useful in the future. I hope you find a good job!