my decision

 I'm working part-time job at wedding ceremony hall. People who work together are very kind. In addition, I can feel a sense of accomplishment. However, It is too busy. Also, I feel the work doesn't suit me. Therefore, I decided to quit part-time job lately. Next Saturday, I will go to work, so I'm going to tell these things. After I can quit there, I will find new part-time job near the university. If you are possible, please tell me about recommended place to work!


  1. Hello, Hiiro! I'm Yuri. Thank you for your hard work.
    In my case, I needed courage when I quit my part-time job. After that, I have felt so much better. I hope you will find a good part-time job.

  2. Hello, Hiiro! I think what you have experienced there will be useful in the future. I hope you find a good job!

